This is one of a range of pet grooming products which have no harmful chemicals, are cruelty free, all but one are vegan. They are economical to use as the shampoos are dilutable 1 in 5. For dogs, cats, horses. I use this more
So good news. Bocca Dulce Vegan Restaurant, Coffee Roastery and Makers of fine Vegan Cheese are now open. For lunch every Saturday and Sunday, 1pm. We're going today.
https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&hl=en-US&cs=1&sxsrf=AB5stBiCP6kfR0fBF7hkkPMr1xXh1W1TDg:1689497879238&q=Bocca+Dolce+Vegan+Restaurant,+Coffee+Roastery+and+Function+Venue&ludocid=18304480929259443771&gsas=1&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&ibp=gwp;0,7&lsig=AB86z5WMNKiOqPUl_O0-W_gaYHJ6&kgs=74aded8aeb0e9476&shndl=-1&shem=lsp&source=sh/x/kp/local/m1/4 more
Prosciutto from Rice paper?
Yes, you read that right.
At the recent Vegan Women Summit, Ariel Evans scored an exclusive interview with none other than Miyoko Schinner, the founder of the vegan cheese and dairy company more
A really good Vegan creamer. Tastes great in any coffee and tea! No aftertaste. Economical and great in colder weather as hot drinks stay hot for longer. Highly recommend this product!
#womenowned, #minorityowned, #ethicallymade
A delicious, tangy, crunchy sauerkraut, packed with probiotics. Naturally fermented, an excellent addition to any meal. Aids digestion and nutrient absorption.