Review of Sensational Filet Stückchen Italian Style - Garden Gourmet by gwenda

photo of Garden Gourmet Sensational Filet Stückchen Italian Style shared by @gwenda on  03 Aug 2021 - reviewphoto of Garden Gourmet Sensational Filet Stückchen Italian Style shared by @gwenda on  03 Aug 2021 - review

Garden Gourmet

Filetstückchen 'Italian Style'
They tasted delish... !
They are made from soy protein, and marinated in sunflower and rapeseed oil, with basil, black pepper, garlic, thyme, oregano.

I fried them in a pan until they were crispy, and as a side dish I made a little tomato-onion-rice. 🍽

Bought: Germany, "Rewe" supermarket, 2,69 €

#ditchmeat #notyourbodynotyourmeat
#soy #filletstrips

sarahrosepat Wow these look so good! 2 likesReply
gwenda And they were ☺ thank you !1 likeReply

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