Post by abillion

photo shared by @abillion on  24 Jan 2023 - post

Did you know? Vitamin D could be found in plant-based and non-animal sources!

Watch out for Vitamin D3 in fortified products as it’s often sourced from lanolin (extracted from sheep’s wool 😒 )

What is your favourite source of Vitamin D? Share below!

parismelody err.. lichen? 😂7 likesReply
tina360 I have a vegan D3 and K2 vitamin that I take. D3/K2 both help the body use calcium effectively. Most plant Vitamin D is in the form of D2 but D3 is absorbed better and can be found in lichen. I would love to get more of my Vitamin D from the sun, though! 5 likesReply
friendlyvegan I love plant milks and I also have a D3/k2 vegan spray that I take sometimes on days the sun isn’t out ⛅️ 3 likesReply
berryveganplanet Well my fav source of D3 is the sun ☀️ for sure but tend to lack exposure during the winter 🥶 ❄️ months here in Chicago.
I supplement with a D3 spray from Garden of Life - My Kind Organics!!
Complement-Essential Vegan Nutrients vegan capsules also contain many vitamins and nutrients we vegans need including K2 likesReply
lliguerpr96 I have that same brand but for Vegan Methylcobalamin (B12) oral spray2 likesReply
berryveganplanet Me too! I have the B12, D3 & vitamin C sprays from Garden of Life! They are great!Reply
peter-plant-power I take a vegan vitamin D supplement all year round. 🙏2 likesReply
seaweedvibes I've a chronic deficiency for years I've had tests show I don't get enough. 2 likesReply
lizmaselli I love Mary Ruth's vegan K2+ D3 gummies! (Pectin based) 2 likesReply
heidid Or you can just sit in the sun and let your body make it.Reply
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