These vegan Fischstäbchen are very similar to their fishy counterpart! I don't know if they could trick someone, but they are good enough to me... Not to eat everyday of course (but this is true for every overprocessed food), more
Great Streichgenuss with good flavor and cheaper than most alternatives. Love it! Of course it's not so good according to its nutritional values, but it's worth it (and spreadable cheese would be no better I guess)
I love lentil burgers and this one tastes good, but it's really "mealy" and it crumbles apart easily
Since I discovered regular Vitamin D is not vegan I found this one here in Germany and I think it's very good, it's a just a small pill and it should be taken every day. The only problem is, it costs almost four times the more
La mia pasta di legumi preferiti! Tiene bene la cottura (non diventa subito molle come succede spesso con questo tipo di pasta) e ha ottimi valori nutrizionali. In foto con pomodorini del piennolo e veg parmigiano
Buonissimi! Tengono bene la cottura e hanno anche un buon apporto proteico. Super consigliati (qui con ragù di soia)
Not as yummy as I imagined looking at the picture, yet good as a sidedish to some vegan burger or mixed with other lentils or chickpeas