I am an animal rights advocate who is trying to save all the animals of the world! X
Delicious, Starbucks have done well with their vegan menu, this wrap has a great chicken substitute and firey flavours
Not too firey, it’s mild I would say
I’ve never tried mochi but this was delicious! Mango is one of my favourite flavours so this was perfect for me, the ice cream tastes incredible, good consistency
This sandwich is really nice, kept well in the fridge and tasted really good
Delicious, easy to cook, great for pasta. I really recommend
This is so delicious, I’ve never had this at the restaurant, but it’s such a lovely ready meal, I 100% recommend this, incredible.
Wow, thank god this was in the sale, this is absolutely delicious, the egg itself, incredible, almost truffley, the truffles, gorgeous, I was surprised to find the peanut butter and jelly one really amazing
One of my favourite brands at the moment, this is soooo gorgeous, honestly delicious
And look at what they donate to!!! AND no palm oil, this company is incredible
So happy this is vegan, my substitute for Cadbury whole hazelnut bar
Love these, even if you don’t like marmite, I think you’ll like these