Appena ho visto questo pack ho pensato che qualcuno avesse messo dei veri gamberetti nel reparto vegano, invece sono 100% vegetali! Sono ottimi e mi hanno permesso di rimangiare un piatto della mia infanzia, la pasta zucchine more
Scarpe stupende esteticamente, con materiali di alta fattura e comodissime. Le ho ricevute in regalo e sono sicura che dureranno per anni
One of the two desserts, this was tasty but you must like banana to enjoy it
Another very tasty dish, plus the shape of the plates was so nice. They were warmed
This aubergine was absolutely tasty and I loved the crispy zucchinis on top
These smashed potatoes were absolutely tasty, I loved the pickles on top
I loved this incredible butternut fillet, plus the sauce was perfectly matched
This was the second dish of the menu and it was amazing
This was the first course and it was absolutely tasty
Absolutely nice burger. The size is okay and the ingredients are juicy