Re-discovering food and eating after >20 years of carnism. GRAM: @a_palaciosr
The mix of different grains in the form of flakes make it crunchy. I like specially that it has no added sugar.
The nutritional yeast is cultured from the sugar molasses and has a nice neutral flavor, perfect for vegan cheese or just for pasta sauce.
Really liked the taste and texture of this noodles. They are made without eggs and also extra points because the package is not made of plastic, but paper.
The vitamin d comes in MCT oil, the drops container is transparent. 1 Tropfen enthält 25 ug Vitamin D3, 1000 I. E., it represents 500% of the daily nutritional consume.
Die Vollkorn pasta aus Hartweizengrieß kommt in eine Papier und Plastik Packung, schmeckt gut und ist gesünder wie nicht vollkorn Nudeln.
I bought this mylk because it is made only of soy beans, no oil or sugar. The taste in my opinion is more suitable for Müsli, smoothies and baking. Texture is a little bit thinner than other drinks, but that's because it more
Has a good variety of cereals, a plus is the puffed amaranth and no raisins.
Also has no added sugar and no oil.
I have this oats daily in the form of oat milk, I think it is better than the other which has a bigger oat size.
The taste of this sesame paste is neutral, making it good to add to any savoury sauce but also to smoothies. It is 100% sesame so also very healthy without the oil :).
The dried plums from sweet valley are A great sweet snack with no sugar or oil added.