Review of Peanut Satay Sauce - Thai Kitchen by theveglife

photo of Thai Kitchen Peanut Satay Sauce shared by @theveglife on  05 May 2024 - reviewphoto of Thai Kitchen Peanut Satay Sauce shared by @theveglife on  05 May 2024 - reviewphoto of Thai Kitchen Peanut Satay Sauce shared by @theveglife on  05 May 2024 - review

Thai Kitchen

I always make my own peanut sauce but I decided to pick this up to speed up a lazy dinner. I marinated some tofu  with this satay sauce and pan fryed it. The flavour was a bit bland for my liking, but I made more flavourful dipping sauce which I drizzled on top that made up for it. It wasn't bad, but would need to be enhanced or you could definitely make something like this better yourself. Good in terms of convenience.

Pictured is my dinner with sautéed bok choy & onion, and leek dumplings.

svraphael88 STUNNING presentation as always!!! ;)
Too funny you reviewed this today. I JUST threw this out today! Lol! I found it at the back of my pantry and it expired Oct 2023 :P 1 likeReply
theveglife Oh no lol! But you're not missing out ..not worth buying again imo. And thanks!! :)1 likeReply
svraphael88 Yes! I felt less sad about it all after reading ur review :P so thank YOU! ;)Reply

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