Review of The Pumpkin and Spinach - Strong Roots by mtp

photo of Strong Roots The Pumpkin and Spinach shared by @mtp on  10 Nov 2022 - reviewphoto of Strong Roots The Pumpkin and Spinach shared by @mtp on  10 Nov 2022 - reviewphoto of Strong Roots The Pumpkin and Spinach shared by @mtp on  10 Nov 2022 - review

Strong Roots


‘World Vegan Burger Day’ you say? This is all I had on the burger front, so put together a quick mash-up: plant based seeded bagel, vegan baconnaise, 2 ‘Strong Roots’ pumpkin & spinach patties, ‘Wicked Kitchen’ vegan cheese (gouda I think), potato waffle, ketchup, and some green stuff on top to finish off 🤙🍔
#veganburger #strongroots #wickedkitchen


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