The Pumpkin and Spinach

by Strong Roots
4.41 (37)
  • Is The Pumpkin and Spinach vegan? Yes! The Pumpkin and Spinach is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 51%

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Most helpful reviews

Perfect choice when you don’t know what to cook, it saved my dinner. You can

cook it in the oven or just pop it in the toaster. I have put it in the oven with grill function last few minutes and it became crispy! I would buy them again
#glutenfree #soyfree

With pumpkin & spinach in a quinoa crumb coating, Strong Roots makes it easy to

put a delish & healthy meal on the table STAT. Yum! #veganisnotscary

‘World Vegan Burger Day’ you say? This is all I had on the burger front,

so put together a quick mash-up: plant based seeded bagel, vegan baconnaise, 2 ‘Strong Roots’ pumpkin & spinach patties, ‘Wicked Kitchen’ vegan cheese (gouda I think), potato waffle, ketchup, and some green stuff on top to finish off 🤙🍔
#veganburger #strongroots #wickedkitchen

Interesting flavours in the patty. Appreciate the inclusion of real, tasty veggies (as opposed to

processed soy products) in the patty. Super easy to prepare! Had this with pasta but gonna try it in a burger next time 😈 Available at Fairprice! #veganpatty

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