Review of VegaNata at Cafe de Nata by alistar

photo of Cafe de Nata VegaNata shared by @alistar on  11 Aug 2022 - reviewphoto of Cafe de Nata VegaNata shared by @alistar on  11 Aug 2022 - reviewphoto of Cafe de Nata VegaNata shared by @alistar on  11 Aug 2022 - review

I finally was able to get to one of these shops to try a Veganata and was thrilled to see a huge sign in their window for them. These are made with soy milk but I couldn’t tell. The custard is creamy and smooth and the pastry is light and flaky. This hit the spot after craving it for so long.

alistar Cold. I’ve never had a warm one actually. I’ll heat the last one up to try tomorrow. Reply
carolinecapaccia I had one of this place near my old job. They are addicted. I was getting one everyday on my way home. Inside Hammersmith station1 likeReply

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