Review of Multipurpose Surface Spray - Smol by emmysea

photo of Smol Multipurpose Surface Spray shared by @emmysea on  25 Jun 2021 - reviewphoto of Smol Multipurpose Surface Spray shared by @emmysea on  25 Jun 2021 - review


Inspired by @katelouisepowell I ordered a huge haul from Smol (so expect many more reviews 🤪). First up is the surface cleaner. I love that the bottles are refillable and you just order the tabs which are only £1! It smells like a generic cleaner with a citrusy scent and it’s a good wipe around cleaner for the kitchen. The bottle seems to be decent quality with a smooth (& quiet) sprayer. Big fan so far 👌🏼

Smol Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback - as a small independent we are hugely grateful xxReply

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