Review of Kresho Bar - Kresho by koyott

photo of Kresho Kresho Bar shared by @koyott on  16 May 2021 - reviewphoto of Kresho Kresho Bar shared by @koyott on  16 May 2021 - reviewphoto of Kresho Kresho Bar shared by @koyott on  16 May 2021 - reviewphoto of Kresho Kresho Bar shared by @koyott on  16 May 2021 - review


🇨🇵 Un avis oublié... et non des moindres : la dernière gamme de chocolats que @abillion10 m'a envoyé suite au challenge chocoholic!! Donc je me rattrape aujourd'hui ! Alors grande découverte pour cette barre Kresho! Vous avez été nombreux à me dire que je n'allais pas le regretter. Et vous avez raison! 😃 Cette barre, c'est du nougat et des amandes enrobées de chocolat noir, ils forment un trio parfait : croquants du chocolat et des amandes et moelleux du nougat ! Miam !! 😋
(Ne prêtez pas attention au blanchiment du chocolat, il a subit les variations de températures cet hiver 😉)

🇬🇧 A forgotten review ... 🤦 and not the least : the last range of chocolates that @abillion10 sent me following the chocoholic challenge !!😃 So I'm making up for it today! So great discovery for this Kresho bar! Many of you told me that I was not going to regret it. And you're right! 😃 This bar is nougat and almonds coated with dark chocolate, they form a perfect trio: crunchy chocolate and almonds and soft nougat! Yum !! 😋 (Do not pay attention to the bleaching of the chocolate, it has undergone temperature variations this winter 😉)

kerent10 looks yummy 🤤 #teamdarkchocolate #chocoholic 3 likesReply
david- Omg I have not reviewed it yet either hahaha1 likeReply
koyott Lol, I'm not alone! 😅1 likeReply
julyn Does anybody know where to buy those bars? 😍Reply
koyott I'm sorry Julie, I didn't know at all before I received my package. I have never seen it in specialized shops in France 😕 Looking on the net, a site offers them individually to see the shipping costs and the countries eligible for delivery (I am discovering this site today) and also in high volume on *m *zon. I hope the regulars of this bar can give you better information! 🍀😉1 likeReply
david- In Australia 😎1 likeReply
julyn So I guess I have to wait until I win it one day 🥺 But thanks for your help @koyott - I couldn’t find anything online at all 😔Reply
julyn If you happen to visit Australia bring some to Germany please 😋Reply
naivoncake It was delicious 1 likeReply
koyott Yes, really! 😋1 likeReply

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