I love that they serve one sweet pancake and one savoury pancake if you order the "pancake" 🤣 amazing flavour , lovely #veganham and #vegancheese but the sweet one was incredible. Best vegan restaurant in #romanorte #mexicocity more
It might not look that appetising but this was really really good. The place is vegetarian/vegan and it's actually affordable , unlike most of the others vegan restaurants in la Colonia Roma! Highly recommended #coloniaroma #mexicovegano
Yet another Buddha bowl ! Lovely fresh and healthy. Mandala in South Goa.
Loved everything of this dish. The freshness, the presentation, the taste. Love this place too , very 'namaste'. A must go if you are in Goa 😍 chances are you will be greeted by beautiful majestic cows and bulls roaming freely 💚
It's been a while I'm not able to upload photos from my phone gallery directly. So the only way to leave reviews is to take a photo while I am eating while also writing the review, so quite impractical. Anybody else is experiencing more
They don't normally have vegan options here but this place is owned by the same owner of LOVING EARTH in Kochi which is 100 % plant based (the only one) . This hotel however is opened in the morning and it is possible to more
Delicious and lush, this new breakfast bowl is super . Well done pret 🥰
Absolutely delicious new vegan sandwich from PRET! tastes smokey and healthy. Yum
Lovely product , smells a lot like salmon and the texture as well. Nice taste, had it with fettuccine organiche also bought at #aldi