I'm not one to share, especially not my favorite person, but I'm happy to share my food. 🥗🥙
I love the cozy feel of this zip-up hoodie. The soft fabric and comfortable fit make it feel like a warm hug.
This shower gel is seriously amazing! It makes me so relaxed, I could stay in the shower forever. Thankful for this Christmas gift.
Someone close to my heart gave me this shower gel as a Christmas gift and I immediately fell in love with the scent. It's incredible! I'm totally obsessed!
Nothing beats strawberries. I love the taste so much, and the sweetness is perfectly balanced. It's my favorite jam by far.
I bought this jam at a 7-Eleven near my house. It's affordable, but it's a bit too sweet for my taste.
I got this as a Christmas gift from a teammate, and her choice is definitely awesome! I can't wait to light it in our new home.
Being a huge fan of sisig, I can't bring myself to share it with anyone.✌️
One is enough, but two are surprisingly addicting.
This dunkin donut Ice black coffee reminds me that Christmas is nearing. ♥️
All I want for Christmas is you. (The man who is not for everyone because he is sincere in love.)