Tortilla Chips Naturel Bio Organic

by Trafa
4.13 (8)
  • Is Tortilla Chips Naturel Bio Organic vegan? Yes! Tortilla Chips Naturel Bio Organic is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 30%

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È uno snack che acquisto se mi trovo in giro. Goloso e croccante. Lo consiglio

anche come aperitivo o per rendere più sfiziosa una noiosa vellutata di verdure.

I do not know 🧐 something is not so good with this tortilla chips 😑

but I do not understand or identify why

What can be wrong with corn, salt and oil 😮 Pic 2 seems to be the solution to my question: tortillas/totopos/chips in Mexico are made with corn dough after an alkaline procedure called: “nixtamalizar”
Here in comparison the totopos are made with corn flour 🧐
I think that can be the only explanation for the change in flavor, texture and consistency

#veganisnotscary ❤️

Tortiila biologica fritta in olio di girasole, per me, dal gusto più delicato rispetto a

quelle che compro di solito non biologiche.
Io mi aspetto che, soprattutto nei prodotti biologici, la confezione sia compostabile ed invece no. Peccato!

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