Fagioli borlotti cotti al vapore

Conad の
4.47 (33)
  • 炭素影響アイコン87%を削減した

Fagioli borlotti cotti al vapore are a type of canned bean that is commonly used in Italian cuisine. These beans are known for their mild, nutty flavor and creamy texture, making them a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes. They are often used to make tasty meatballs or as a base for a hearty vegetarian meal. These beans are carefully selected and cooked to perfection, retaining their natural flavor and texture. They are ideal for adding to your favorite pasta dish or using as a base for a satisfying soup. Overall, fagioli borlotti cotti al vapore are a convenient and delicious ingredient that can elevate any Italian dish.


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Pratico per via della porzione singola. Solitamente però li prendo in vasetto di vetro, così il vasetto lo riutilizzo quando è tempo di fare le marmellate, la passata di pomodoro o le olive 😋


Fagioli borlotti al vapore ottimi per polpette vegetal. 


It may be that I usually buy dried legumes that I rehydrate slowly and then simmer for a long time but, these canned Borlotti beans seemed almost flavorless to me. Or maybe it's because I had to rinse them under the jet of water (I always do this with canned ones, as I was advised).
However with a nice chopped onion, a good tomato sauce, half a diced bell pepper, chili and oregano, they were tasty in the end. Two piadinas cut into four well toasted on the griddle and the Tex-Mex-like dinner is done!


Mangiare legumi fa bene! I fagioli borlotti Conad li trovo buoni e li uso per preparare tante ricette, ma sono buoni anche saltati in padella e conditi con olio buono.


Fagioli borlotti Conad, mangio legumi tutti i giorni e non sempre ho il tempo per lunghe cotture quindi questi mi aiutano spesso. Sono buoni e hanno un buon prezzo

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