Review of One Whole Organic Spaghetti Squash - Solely by veg3m

photo of Solely One Whole Organic Spaghetti Squash shared by @veg3m on  25 Apr 2021 - reviewphoto of Solely One Whole Organic Spaghetti Squash shared by @veg3m on  25 Apr 2021 - reviewphoto of Solely One Whole Organic Spaghetti Squash shared by @veg3m on  25 Apr 2021 - review


Let me preface this by saying 1. I love spaghetti squash. 2. I am not the kind of person who throws food out. If it's vegan, I'll pretty much eat anything.

Now, this was disgusting. I followed the directions to a T. Added a bit of marinara, nooch, and Italian seasonings, and it tasted horrible. Tasted like eating plain raw Marijuana. Do not recommend. I threw it out.

Also sorry I spelled organic wrong in the title, idk how to change it. 🤦‍♀️

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david- Simply report the reviews as wrong name/wrong info and the abillion team will change it :D1 likeReply
veg3m Done, thank you! 👏1 likeReply

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