Review of Plain tofu - Fontaine Santé by stormm

photo of Fontaine Santé Plain tofu shared by @stormm on  08 Mar 2021 - reviewphoto of Fontaine Santé Plain tofu shared by @stormm on  08 Mar 2021 - reviewphoto of Fontaine Santé Plain tofu shared by @stormm on  08 Mar 2021 - reviewphoto of Fontaine Santé Plain tofu shared by @stormm on  08 Mar 2021 - review

Fontaine Santé

When I first joined abillion I had an exchange asking "what makes for good tofu?" I still don't know but I can say that this one didn't impress. I like that tofu can take on the flavours that it's seasoned or marinated in but I think this one may have absorbed most of its packaging "essence". Not one you waste, I tried another recipe - tofu taco crumble, a base for my pizza. Should have went with black beans instead. Needless to say ... so I won't. I'm sure you can guess. 😉

#marchmadness #mmmmarch #tofu #pizza #homemade

gassia looks good!1 likeReply

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