Sturdy and nice looking watch strap. The original strap had worn out and this replacement matches it 10/10. My husband has been using it for over a month now and so far no complaints.
#compostable, #biodegradable, #ecopackaging
These have been sitting in my pantry for the longest time. No complaints. Lovely texture and the soya chunks absorbed the marinade very well. I made a curry for dinner and it came out pretty tasty and filling.
It was light but creamy and refreshing. Personally would have preferred if it was sweeter.
This is my new favorite vegan chocolate cake. Received it as thanksgiving gift but will definitely buy it again next week.
Link here:
I bought this for my toddler to get him started on brushing his teeth. It's SLS and flouride free so I don't have to worry if he ends up swallowing (which he is!) more than spitting it out. It's very sweet which comes from more
Been using this lotion for a couple of days now. LOVE the fragrance and it's lightness. Pretty pricey though.