Review of Hummus Natur - Rewe Bio by thekangaroo

photo of Rewe Bio Hummus Natur shared by @thekangaroo on  15 Mar 2024 - review

Rewe Bio

organic hummus from rewe's own brand, therefore beongs to the cheaper organic hummuses with 1,49€/200g (->7,45€/kg). contains sesame and sugar and in the allergens there's also gluten ad soy mentioned. ökotest gave it a "very good" which equals grade a/1 cause they didn't find any weird ingredients or pesticides.

taste is good and it's smooth but i prefer hummus in glass jars and without added sugar.
#hummus #hummuslover #spreadhummusnotwar #spread #veganspread #veganspreads #spreads #brotaufstrich #organicbutcheap #rewe #vegangermany

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