Review of Feto - Taifun by peter-plant-power
#ethicallymade, #ecopackaging, #palmoilfree
I see a lot of posts on social media nowadays with people putting tons of effort in tofu marinades, as if to justify that plain tofu has a neutral, not outspoken taste.
🥣But even white tofu can be successfully added to hearty soups like pumpkin soup for instance without prior seasoning. (See serving suggestion last picture.) Fermented tofu has two benefits: it has a stronger flavour and is easier to digest thanks to the fermentation.
Taste/bite: Slightly sour, pleasant taste making it possible to use this fermented tofu as such in salads. Firm texture that allows to either cut it with a knife or to crumble it.
Ingredients: Organic. Basically soy beans, water, curdling agents (simple salts to coagulate the soy into tofu) and a vegan yoghurt culture: Streptococcus thermophilus.
Shape/Conditioning: 200 g single sheet plastic packaging with labels on both sides. Labeling in Belgium is subject to the legally mandatory trilingual Dutch, French and German. Sometimes certain batches of unilingual German products find their way to our market and you get labels stacked one upon another. Marketed openly as vegan which is very positive.
Price: I paid 3,49 € (January 2023), for a total volume of 200 g. Reasonable, and you get a product of exquisite nutritional value.
The brand is German and they really deserve a standing ovation for all their efforts to keep (at least the human) food chain GMO-free. The story goes they had to abandon culture of non-GMO soy on the American continents because it was impossible to avoid contamination with GMO-soy, even using their own transportation vehicles ot keep the supply chain clean.
#tofu #fermentedtofu #fermentedfoods #fermentation #vegan #veganworld #veganinbrussels #brusselsvegan #veganinbelgium #veganbelgium #veganfortheanimals #foodrevolution #jointhefoodrevolution