Review of Papaya Salad at SriPraPhai by vikas

photo of SriPraPhai Papaya Salad shared by @vikas on  07 Aug 2022 - review


Today was a good day! I finally met our fabulous summer intern @oliviazheng who’s a rising senior at my high school in NYC. We decided to grab some Thai food at one of the city’s most famous Thai restaurants, Sripraphai in Woodside, Queens.

This papaya salad was definitely our favorite dish from their vegetarian menu. It was packed with tons of flavors from spicy to sweet. I love how papaya salad sounds seemingly timid but packs such a spicy punch and this definitely lived up to what this dish is all about.

We also had their green curry and pad Thai but this was our favorite!

Thanks Olivia for everything you do for FFAC and the growing vegan community at Stuyvesant high school. 🌞

#sripraphai #woodside #queens #thai #papayasalad #stuyvesant #ffac

oliviazheng Had a great time today!1 likeReply


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