Review of The Vegiterranean Pizza at Doppio Zero, Pearls Umhlanga by intraferon

photo of Doppio Zero, Pearls Umhlanga The Vegiterranean Pizza shared by @intraferon on  11 Oct 2021 - review

I should first say that we added avocado and caramelised onion to the pizza described on the menu. I had a piece of this and I will be honest, artichokes and olives are not my favourite vegetables. However if I ignore that, its a nice pizza. It has a crispy thin base, the cheese is not very convincing but it does add to the flavour and the vegetables are not sparse on the pizza. Only thing is that it has too little tomato sauce for my tastes. In the end, this pizza is definitely worth giving a try if you like all the vegetables that come with it. #veganisnotscary



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