Review of Voodoo Ranger Captain Dynamite IPA - New Belgium Brewing Company by abi88

photo of New Belgium Brewing Company Voodoo Ranger Captain Dynamite IPA shared by @abi88 on  25 Jan 2021 - reviewphoto of New Belgium Brewing Company Voodoo Ranger Captain Dynamite IPA shared by @abi88 on  25 Jan 2021 - review

New Belgium Brewing Company

Beer hour !! Now that I know that the 99% of New Belgium products are vegan is easy to go shopping beer 😃
This one is a bit bitter but super tasty 😋 high in alcohol content 7.7 which you can feel it immediately.
If you like Unfiltered beer you need to try this one ☝️
I loved it 😁😁
🤓 and again we need to thank the yeast for the magic to happen.


rikesh Beer o’clock 🍻 you’re talking my language Abi!! This one looks great! With the high alcohol content...did you end up having a little too much?! 🤪1 likeReply
abi88 Not this time @rikesh but last week I drank two and unfortunately next day I had hangover 😵 not young anymore, the metabolism started slowing down 🤕1 likeReply
rikesh Haha I feel your pain @abi88 having just reached my 30s! But I guess you’re only as old as you remember Abi...and if you drink enough, you’ll lose the ability to remember so you can pretend to be 21 again!! 😂2 likesReply
abi88 Hahahaha good point @rikesh but next day you always remember you are not a teenager anymore 🤕 I rather prefer just to drink one 😜1 likeReply
rikesh Your drinking tolerance seems to be the same as mine...i’m already already tipsy after drinking one!! 🤪 🤦🏽‍♂️1 likeReply
abi88 I guess that’s life 😜 so better just drink one, eat healthy, take care of yourself and enjoy life 🙌🏽1 likeReply
hbchic Cheers to unfiltered!🍻😊1 likeReply
solajem Ah... Guys I'm reading comments like "be 21 again!" Or "your not teenager anymore" Personally I'm 21 and don't remember when I was hard partying with a lot of drinks last 🤔 maybe I just feel old but it's so funny to read comments like that and be like "those people are thinking I'm young, but deep inside I feel so old" I'm dying 🤣👩‍🎨👩‍🍳💁Reply
abi88 Hahahaha!! You are young !! I just turned 33 I feel still young but no more able to be drink as much as I used to 🥲 anyway time changes and body too 😿 so please enjoy your 21 !!! Reply
solajem Ah you are young enough hahaha... Thanks I am anyways 💁😆🙌 I want to see myself when I'll be 35 or like 50 🤔1 likeReply
abi88 Haha!! Reminds me of me 👵🏽 !!! I used to say that too 🤣Reply


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