Review of Hellman’s Vegan Mayonnaise - Hellmann’s by wernerartinger

photo of Hellmann’s Hellman’s Vegan Mayonnaise shared by @wernerartinger on  27 Dec 2020 - review


This vegan mayonnaise is essential to my vegan turkey, vegan cheddar cheese and tomato sandwich! Delicious on sandwiches and reasonably priced. I highly recommend it!

missnarciss My fav !2 likesReply
veganelduderino Have you tried the new version? After reading many bad comments about it i din't want to try it, but it's actually better then this1 likeReply
wernerartinger I heard about the new version but haven’t tried it yet. I’m looking forward to trying it. I’m glad you like it. Bodes well for the new version!1 likeReply
cristinatheactivist Hi, what did they change? 1 likeReply
wernerartinger Not sure what changed. I just ran out of mayo, so I’m going to be picking up the version soon. I’ll review it once I’ve tried it!Reply
wernerartinger Also, I heard they just released 3 new flavours of Hellman’s vegan mayo in the UK. Hopefully we’ll see those in Canada soon!Reply
cristinatheactivist I prefer this to vegenaise :)2 likesReply
wernerartinger I do too! If I remember correctly, I tried the veganaise brand early in my vegan adventure (almost 7 years ago) and was not impressed by it. I’ve been using Hellman’s brand since discovering it.1 likeReply
veganelduderino The taste changed a bit , not much it's a bit sweeter, i like it more then this version1 likeReply
wernerartinger I can’t wait to give the new version a try!1 likeReply
veegandeena Favorite!1 likeReply


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