Review of 2 Breaded Fishless Fillets - Morrisons by commando-dragon

photo of Morrisons 2 Breaded Fishless Fillets shared by @commando-dragon on  26 Dec 2020 - review


Great 👍 @morrisons offering more ranges! Sadly these need more flavour so you’ll need to add. Golden Crumb excellent but needs more taste of the sea, perhaps they could add a nori seaweed sheet and inside filling could be firmer too. Added v taste coleslaw in a crispy bun and it was 😋 as a fast meal combo.

Fish 🐠 are not sustainable - many are farmed in underwater cages and prisons, swimming in circles in their own faeces and no freedom. In the wild they are gutted and skinned alive. They feel pain and suffer, suffocating in their last moments as they are dragged from their ocean home. They are often the most forgotten farmed animal- see link in bio for easy swaps, resources and recipes.



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