Review of Sparkling Dope Watermelon Drink - DOPE by vegancheez

photo of DOPE Sparkling Dope Watermelon Drink shared by @vegancheez on  21 Dec 2020 - review


So I was walking around in Canal Walk and finally checked out the wellness warehouse. They had some pretty cool items for sale, granted it was quite expensive. This however caught my eye (admittedly because it had one of my favourite words across the can 😅) Tried it, liked it, reviewing it haha.

Zero calories, CBD infused and quite good. The watermelon flavour came through quite nicely as well. 😊🌱


bianca1701 Wellness warehouse have such awesome things to try!!! They stock all the eat real chips which are a favourite for me plus I love the sweets 🍭 and everything is clearly marked Vegan which is a great help 1 likeReply
vegancheez 😊 thanks, I'm keen on trying their granola next. Alot of their products looks really interesting Reply


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