Review of Hubbards Food store Brown Sauce - Sainsbury's by ragamuffin

photo of Sainsbury's Hubbards Food store Brown Sauce shared by @ragamuffin on  11 Dec 2020 - reviewphoto of Sainsbury's Hubbards Food store Brown Sauce shared by @ragamuffin on  11 Dec 2020 - review


It's the same story again. You don't need the big brands for the simple things. They're simple and therefore easy and cheap to produce. Don't pay more than you have to unless you're some kind of avid brown sauce mad person.
This brown sauce is everything it needs to be. A sauce that is brown.

Add it to your Sheppard's pies or miss out on tastiness!!!

#brownsauce #sainsburys #vegan #accidentallyvegan #veganisnotscary #veganin2020 #condiments #vegancondiments #dip #sandwich

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