Der Genussige Kräuter

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This one is a blast! I tried a few vegan cream cheese like alternatives based

on cashews and this one is definitely my new number one! Awesome taste!

#veganisnotscary day 4/30

Muy rico, queso a las hierbas. Es a base de anacardos, es de los sanotes

y nutritivos.

at first I thought that it wasn‘t as bad as the other ones but than

the sourness came again. I believe that it’s different from product to product and I guess I got unlucky and picked 3 too fermented ones. it’s a lil better than the other ones but nothing that I love to eat.

Queso tipo fresco de anacardos,es rollo feta pero recuerda en sabor a tetilla gallega.Esta

brutal para ensaladas y wraps

Veganz May not do their sweet snacks well, but their vegan cheese game isn’t so

bad :) great texture although it melts in room temperature

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