Nut Clusters Crunchy Cocoa

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I like these a lot. Found them at dm and like everything about them except

the price which lies at around 5€ for 90g, huiuiui. Its not worth the money because there are only so few ingredients in there that you could easily make something like this yourself.

I bought it with a coupon since I find the regular price of 4,99€ crazy

expensive. It tastes salty as well as sweet and the clusters are very crunchy. I just expected more cocoa bits. They would make a great smoothie bowl topping!

I have no idea how a small bag (90g) of granola bites can cost 5€

🥲 I only realised it at the counter and the queue was too long so I just went with it but inside I was kicking myself for picking these up without checking the price. At least this review now makes it feel less bad... at least I donated 1$ 🥲
... Taste is good, not to sweet...but I'll never buy these again, homemade ones taste just as good anyways

Piccoli agglomerati a base di nocciole, mandorle e cacao. Sapore non invitante: molto neutro, quasi

salato per niente dolce. Non li ricompreró visto il prezzo (4.99 per 90 g) e il sapore.

Nichts besonderes. Kann gegessen werden. Einfache Nusswürfel für einen überteuerten Preis. Ohne Zucker. Irgendwie schmecken

die Würfel nach Banane, obwohl gar keine drin ist.

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