Free From Fellows Vanilla Vegan Mallows

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Free From Fellows Super Fuffy Vanilla Vegan Mallows


Free from garlic, onion, nuts, seeds, wheat and soy.


Free from garlic, onion, nuts, seeds, wheat and soy.


Free from garlic, onion, nuts, seeds, wheat and soy.


Free from garlic, onion, nuts, seeds, wheat and soy.


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Cute packaging and tasty marshmallows, the vanilla flavour really comes through. I wouldn’t recommend them

for hot chocolate as they are quite dense and don’t go all melty much but they are nice eaten alone #veganisnotscary #day85

Amo questi vegan mallows sono identici a come li ricordavo però senza sofferenza animale

Vegan marshmallows to have at home for barbecue days, love the idea

These were a great find as I haven’t seen many gelatine free marshmallows out there.

However, these were amazing! Just as I remember a marshmallow tasting and feeling. They’re very sweet though, more sweet than a gelatine marshmallow but for my fellow people with a sweet tooth- so good! I’ll update this in the comments later when I make a hot choc, I’ll see if they melt!

💴 £1.25 In sainsburys

#vegan #veganmarshmallows #marshmallows

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