Bolognese Soja vegan

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Questo sugo in italia farebbe inferocire buona parte della popolazione, io l'ho trovato molto buono

e dal sapore simile a quello fatto in casa con il seitan (non ha un gusto artificiale come molti altri ragù confezionati). Consiglio!

Sklavenitis GREECE!!
Another product I can't find in Cyprus and I'm so sorry for me!!
It's so

Tasty, quick sauce for dishes😋😋

#bolognese #veganbolognese

[EN] 🍅 Bolognese sauce with soy meat from Barilla brand.
🥕 It has a

good ingredients, the meat has been replaced with soy and mushrooms.
🍝 The taste leaves much to be desired. The used minced meat alternative is quite good. Has a nice texture and a good, mushroomy flavor. However, the sauce itself is not very aromatic. There is no flavour of herbs, vegetables or tomatoes. 🤷‍♂️
🥫 The jar is small. Enough for one person but the price is too high in relation to the size of portion.
[PL] 🍅 Sos boloński z sojowym mięsem od Barilly.
🥕 Ma dobry skład, mięso zostało zastąpione soją i grzybami.
🍝 Smak pozostawia wiele do życzenia. Trzeba pochwalić zastosowaną alternatywę mięsa mielonego. Ta ma przyjemną teksturę i dobry, lekko grzybowy smak. Natomiast sam sos jest mało aromatyczny. Nie czuć ziół, warzyw pomidorów. 🤷‍♂️
🥫 Słoiczek jest mały. Wystarcza na porcję dla jednej osoby. Cena zbyt wysoka w stosunku do wielości porcji.

Molho de soja a Bolonhesa, consistência e sabor aprovado. Realmente delicioso 😋

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