A home cook that occasionally ventures into the foodie world to try new things!

You can be like Galactus too and eat a (Blue) Planet! Lovely creamy & sweet vanilla ice cream and bitter matcha cake chunks made for a lovely contrast of flavours & a visual treat to boot.

Tastes like and smells like a yummy and pleasantly fragrant lozenge. A bit on the sweeter side. An enjoyable beverage to down after eating all the savoury food.

Crispy exterior, decently fluffy interior. Tastes slightly salted. Would prefer a sweeter waffle, but I reckon that this was created as more of a vehicle for ice cream scoops and to offset the sweetness from the ice cream. more

Fairly well-seasoned sauce soaking the bittersweet stir fried kailan.

Tastes like fried tofu and chonky veggies with tomato sauce.

Hot, crispy & tasty. Good amount of filling. Comes with sweet and sour dipping sauce.

Daily Green is famous for their porridge, and rightfully so! My colleagues always order it when they get the chance and I can understand why. So so yummy, porridge texture is creamy & they season it to perfection. Such a more

Came back to do a review after a long time just cause this was soooo freakin' great!! SUPER YUMMY. Right level of spiciness for someone like me who can't take spicy food. There's a perfect balance of sourness & milkyness more

Yummy scramble on toast! May require more salt & pepper for those like it strongly flavoured.

Unsweetened, unique flavour blend with the Matcha & wheatgrass powder with soy milk. Not my cup of tea but if you're adventurous, give it a try. Featuring bicep model @raffymabanag