Review of Potato lattices - Morrisons by dafnelately

photo of Morrisons Potato lattices shared by @dafnelately on  10 Apr 2024 - reviewphoto of Morrisons Potato lattices shared by @dafnelately on  10 Apr 2024 - reviewphoto of Morrisons Potato lattices shared by @dafnelately on  10 Apr 2024 - reviewphoto of Morrisons Potato lattices shared by @dafnelately on  10 Apr 2024 - reviewphoto of Morrisons Potato lattices shared by @dafnelately on  10 Apr 2024 - review


I saw these in a refrigerator in a 7/11 whilst I was stocking up on my beer 🍻 and I thought, “you know what would be great with beer? hecking potoos” 🦜 and thus I had beer and potatoes 🥔

Then these #lattice looked up upon me and said,

“Hear me child,
How drunken ye are 🥴,
Four scores and eight beers ago 🍺,
Have me, me lattice, and in the #airfryer I go,
So ye may know again,
the cause of the root vegetable,
and lattice (let us) both be of potato 🥔”

I shook and cried, nestling myself and slowly became a potato 😭 I’m so yummy when fried 😭

Oh, and I’m so surprised this didn’t have #murdairy in it. Isn’t Morrisons the brand that puts that in all their #potatochips? Hecking embarrassing 🥱

kyu Love the selection of hot sauces and condiments in the background :))3 likesReply
dafnelately We have a whole moving tray of chilli oils and hot sauces at home 😅2 likesReply

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