Review of Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix - Coconut Whisk by iszy

photo of Coconut Whisk Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix shared by @iszy on  07 Dec 2023 - reviewphoto of Coconut Whisk Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix shared by @iszy on  07 Dec 2023 - reviewphoto of Coconut Whisk Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix shared by @iszy on  07 Dec 2023 - review

Coconut Whisk

#fairtrade, #palmoilfree

My baking hot take is that gluten free cookies are better than cookies with gluten. The extra flavor/texture that comes with alternative flours (especially oat) just adds something great to cookies! Coconut Whisk uses brown rice flour and chickpea flour to make their mix. These chocolate chip cookies are some of the best I've ever had! After cooking for a few minutes, they are perfect and gooey. These are super easy to make with just some water and neutral oil. They were incredible on their own or with some Oatly ice cream. #cookies #chocolate #chocoholic #veganbaking #chocolatechipcookie #dessert #quickandeasy #bakedgoods #sweettooth #glutenfree #soyfree #nongmo #veganisnotscary

berryveganplanet Yum yum 😋! Your cookies look so good and can’t go wrong with ice cream 😋2 likesReply

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