Review of Cauldron marinated Tofu - Cauldron by stunningram95

photo of Cauldron Cauldron marinated Tofu shared by @stunningram95 on  06 Nov 2023 - reviewphoto of Cauldron Cauldron marinated Tofu shared by @stunningram95 on  06 Nov 2023 - reviewphoto of Cauldron Cauldron marinated Tofu shared by @stunningram95 on  06 Nov 2023 - review


#ethicallymade, #palmoilfree

This Tofu is so tasty,I shallow fry it with onions and peppers and put it with chips, if I want a little spice I add the Schwartz chilli & paprika chip seasoning then add plant menu cheese. My favourite vegan meal at the mo. 😊


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