Review of Salty Dark Chocolate - Hu by iszy

photo of Hu Salty Dark Chocolate shared by @iszy on  11 Oct 2023 - reviewphoto of Hu Salty Dark Chocolate shared by @iszy on  11 Oct 2023 - review



This is just some nice dark chocolate with salt. It's always a winning combination! I used this for s'mores and found that it was a bit too thick for this application and did not melt. It was still nice to have a bit of that saltiness that went along with the sweetness of the Dandies marshmallow and Nabisco graham cracker. #palmoilfree #chocolate #chocoholic #saltychocolate #cabin #smores #organic #soyfree #sweettooth #veganisnotscary

ksvegan17 I made that same mistake too. Definitely wishing I used a different chocolate bar but I used what was available at the store.3 likesReply
agreene428 Yum!! 😋3 likesReply
maryanarch 🤩 perfect S’mores!!!! 2 likesReply
bunnywuv I love dark chocolate, and I'll definitely try this one the next grocery trip~ 😆😋👌🍫💕💖✨✨1 likeReply

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