Review of Everlasting Joy - Coconut + almond butter + chocolate chip bar - GoMacro by kyu
Hmm. It’s not horrible, but like every other GoMacro #proteinbar I’ve tried so far, it just doesn’t do much for me. I’ve never been much impressed with the sticky, chewy texture of these bars. Because they’re so dense, I find they feel heavy in my gut but don’t really make me full. Since many of the flavors are cookie-like, I suppose they’re trying to emulate a cookie dough texture? Whatever they’re doing, it isn’t working: I feel like I’m eating some sort of putty or modeling clay.
This bar features #coconut and #almondbutter, which I absolutely love, and #chocolate chips, which I tolerate. The shredded coconut is plentiful and definitely the most prominent element, but it doesn’t entirely remedy the textural issues. Despite being loaded with sugar, the taste was also flat and strangely muted.
I think I have 3-4 other flavors to review still, but with each bar I try, it becomes harder to muster my excitement. I know some people really enjoy GoMacro bars, and they’re welcome to them! I personally do not like these nearly enough to shell out anything close to $2.50 apiece — although I am glad that proceeds will go to unhoused people. #veganisnotscary