Review of Cereal O's - Mondelēz International by vanille

photo of  Mondelēz International Cereal O's shared by @vanille on  19 Aug 2023 - reviewphoto of  Mondelēz International Cereal O's shared by @vanille on  19 Aug 2023 - review

Mondelēz International


Oreo #cereal! It contains two ‘types’ and is based on #wheat and #rice. It contains added iron as well as B and D #vitamins.

The #chocolate hoops has that distinctive taste of the cocoa used in #oreos. They do have that clear ‘grain’ taste that you get with most cereal as well. In the end it does end up tasting like a mix between oreo biscuits and cereal hoops. A clear win in my book. They are crunchy and keep their texture well in plant milk without getting soggy too quickly.

The vanilla disks are super sugary and #sweet, which goes well with the slightly less sweet hopps. Makes it a very nice and sweet cereal mix. They have a #vanilla taste to them that is good, but I do wish it was stronger as it feels pretty subtle. They feel lighter and more airy compared to the hoops. Due to this they get soggy faster, so eat quickly!

The product is #nutfree. The packaging is #recyclable. Not marked as vegan but I confirmed it with customer service!

💵~50 NOK at Kiwi.

The milk also tastes very similar to how the milk tastes after dunking oreo cookies! I really like this cereal and would repurchase😋

#cereals #veganbreakfast #chocoholic #sweettooth #oreo #breakfastcereal

berryveganplanet How fun!! Yum 😋 1 likeReply
ksvegan17 I wish these were vegan in the US. Most cereals in the US have animal based ingredients in the vitamins :(2 likesReply
vanille Yeah I’ve heard, that’s such a bummer! Most cereals have no added vitamins here1 likeReply

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