Review of Sandwich Hummus Aubergine Courgette at EXKi by valeluce85

photo of EXKi Sandwich Hummus Aubergine Courgette shared by @valeluce85 on  18 Aug 2023 - reviewphoto of EXKi Sandwich Hummus Aubergine Courgette shared by @valeluce85 on  18 Aug 2023 - review

Panino composto di pane ai semi misti, hummus di ceci, melanzane grigliate e julienne di zucchine! Buon sapore, un poco agliato ma gradevole!! Preso nel punto vendita Exki dell'aeroporto di Bruxelles!
Sandwich made of mixed cereales bread, aubergine and zucchini julienne! Slightly garlic flavour but tasty!! I bought It at Bruxelles Airport! #sandwich #vegansandwich #hummusgoeswitheverything #aubergines #zucchinilover #sandwichvegano #airportfood #veganlunch


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