Review of Vegan Mini Cakes Vanilla Flavour - Vemondo by biancafurii

photo of Vemondo Vegan Mini Cakes Vanilla Flavour shared by @biancafurii on  15 Aug 2023 - reviewphoto of Vemondo Vegan Mini Cakes Vanilla Flavour shared by @biancafurii on  15 Aug 2023 - reviewphoto of Vemondo Vegan Mini Cakes Vanilla Flavour shared by @biancafurii on  15 Aug 2023 - review


🇬🇧I was sceptical since usually I don't like the #vemondo #muffin but this #minicake taste good. I don't taste the #vanilla although.They are very small (see picture with my fingers). They are also individual packed so good if you need to bring for a outside #snack. Each pack contains 8 #vegancake

🇮🇹Ero scettica nel prendere queste merendine perché i muffin non mi piacciono affatto. Queste invece non sono male. Non si sente la #vaniglia a mio avviso. Ciascuna merendina è individualmente incartata quindi comodo se si deve portare in giro. Ogni pacco grande contiene 8 merendine.

#lidl #lidlmonamour #abillionlove #veganisnotscary #vegansweets #veganbreakfast #colazionevegana #dolcivegani


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