Review of Golden Hami Melon - fisher ranch by kyu

photo of fisher ranch Golden Hami Melon shared by @kyu on  03 Aug 2023 - reviewphoto of fisher ranch Golden Hami Melon shared by @kyu on  03 Aug 2023 - review

fisher ranch

Another sublime hami #melon from Costco! It’s just so good. I think this is my favorite type of melon; the juicy sweetness and crunch are simply unparalleled by other varieties. I really liked that this #fruit didn’t lose its crispness as it ripened — it sat out on the counter for almost two weeks while I made space in the refrigerator for it to chill, and it still had the perfect texture.

I can’t get over how flavorful and refreshing this melon was. I’ll keep it uncharacteristically short and #sweet: everyone should give it a try!

beckyyy I’m with you; they’re absolutely the best! 1 likeReply
berryveganplanet Not sure if I’ve ever had one of those. Is it similar to honeydew 🍈 on the inside or cantaloupe?1 likeReply
kyu Ooh good question, I added a second photo to my review so you can see the inside! :-) Reply

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