Review of mac-n-cheese at Soul Veg City by tamiapple
Wow wow wow. How’s the dish you ask? It’s the bees knees. It’s chef’s kiss. Highly recommended. Can’t wait to return.
helena12345 Damn these words 🤌🏻2 likesReply
tamiapple Thanks so much 😊2 likesReply
whatthefuck I'm baffled by this recipe but I know it's very famous in America! I would love to taste it! 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣2 likesReply
tamiapple Oh wow! I highly recommend tasting it! You can easily make it at home with pasta (any shape), then just make a quick cheese sauce by heating your fav vegan cheese & a little soy milk (or whichever vegan milk you use, though I’d make sure it’s unflavored). Add good salt & fresh pepper. Et voilà! 1 likeReply