Review of Broccoli Sprouts - River Valley Sprouts by berryveganplanet
#recyclable, #compostable, #palmoilfree
I 💚 sprouts and seriously don’t eat enough of them! I need to get back into making my own! I did a couple months back for the 1st time and loved it!
They are so good for you and your gut!
I bought these from my local Woodman’s for $2.69 and finished them in a few days!!
So so good! In salads 🥗, sandwiches 🥪 etc..
ameriamber Sprouts are the best! 3 likesReply
berryveganplanet They are!! 💚 them!!1 likeReply
paws-and-paths They are so delicious! Would you mind posting a bit of your setup and process when you do grow another batch of your own? 🌱 1 likeReply
berryveganplanet Of course! I would be happy too! I did a social post here and on IG!! I’ll link my post and reels below 👇🏼 of that one and when I do again I can do another ☺️!! likeReply likeReply
paws-and-paths Thanks, you da best 😎 1 likeReply
berryveganplanet 🤗 you too!Reply