Review of Micro Super Mix - AeroFarms by berryveganplanet

photo of AeroFarms Micro Super Mix shared by @berryveganplanet on  20 Jun 2023 - reviewphoto of AeroFarms Micro Super Mix shared by @berryveganplanet on  20 Jun 2023 - review


#recyclable, #palmoilfree, #compostable

Another excellent powerhouse of micro greens that consists of sweet kale, red cabbage and bok choy by AeroFarms! I added this mix to a wrap and a salad I had last week! So so fresh and crisp! #sustainablygrown indoors, #nopesticides #verticalfarmed #freshlyharvested
So glad my local Whole Foods Market is bringing more variety of these micro greens !

$4.49 and will definitely buy again!



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