Review of Flat White With Oat Milk at afro-boer® by jeanne-marie

photo of afro-boer® Flat White With Oat Milk shared by @jeanne-marie on  15 May 2023 - reviewphoto of afro-boer® Flat White With Oat Milk shared by @jeanne-marie on  15 May 2023 - reviewphoto of afro-boer® Flat White With Oat Milk shared by @jeanne-marie on  15 May 2023 - reviewphoto of afro-boer® Flat White With Oat Milk shared by @jeanne-marie on  15 May 2023 - review

Very underwhelming flat white - tastewise, it just boils down to preference. The low rating is largely due to how overpriced this was. R12 for a milk alternative??? 😓

Flat whites are my go-to, but I don’t intend on ordering it here again. I’m guessing they use TriBeCa beans, because that’s what they had on display. Lots of people love TriBeCa (from what I understand, it’s what Woolies sells as well), but I just don’t think the roasting quality is great, so never been a fan. Again, the price of this flat white (R46) just left a bitter taste in my mouth.

It’s a beautiful place though and they are quite vegan-friendly otherwise so I will be back (with a change in my beverage order) ☕️

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