Review of 6 Citrus Fruit Mince Pies - Woolworths Food by josiearmadillo

photo of Woolworths Food 6 Citrus Fruit Mince Pies shared by @josiearmadillo on  27 Apr 2023 - review

Woolworths Food

I know I'm SUPER late in posting this but 🤷🏻‍♀️ these were so yummy and delicious and amazing and all the other good words you can think of! 😅 the pastry was just perfect and exactly how I remember a mince pie to taste. I've tried making my own over the years but can never get this soft patry so eas siper happy to find these.
My only complaint is that I looked at the ingredients of the non vegan ones and couldn't see much of a difference? If anything these ones had less ingredients so not sure why they were priced much more than the non vegan ones 🙄


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