Review of Original Chickenless Fries - Earth Grown by iszy

photo of Earth Grown Original Chickenless Fries shared by @iszy on  18 Apr 2023 - reviewphoto of Earth Grown Original Chickenless Fries shared by @iszy on  18 Apr 2023 - review

Earth Grown

I love finding new Aldi products! These "chickenless fries" are a fun shape. They're skinnier than strips, making them a great shape for wraps. They're also just fun finger food. They taste the same as other Aldi breaded vegan chicken products, which I enjoy. I ate mine in a wrap with spinach, tomatoes, Dijon vinaigrette, and vegan mayo. They have a decent amount of protein at 15g for 5.

#veganmeat #veganchicken #lazyvegan #wrap #salad #frozen #protein


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