Review of Peanut Butter Cocoa Bar - Trader Joe's by acastillon

photo of Trader Joe's Peanut Butter Cocoa Bar shared by @acastillon on  16 Apr 2023 - reviewphoto of Trader Joe's Peanut Butter Cocoa Bar shared by @acastillon on  16 Apr 2023 - reviewphoto of Trader Joe's Peanut Butter Cocoa Bar shared by @acastillon on  16 Apr 2023 - reviewphoto of Trader Joe's Peanut Butter Cocoa Bar shared by @acastillon on  16 Apr 2023 - review

Trader Joe's

I had already been familiar with its close kin the ABC (almond butter cocoa) bar, so it was interesting to find this PBC bar on a recent Trader Joe's run! Ate a few of these right before heading into the Art Institute of Chicago and they kept me fueled up well for the day.

Their stats are pretty similar to the ABC bars (same calories and protein). Great option for a grab and go snack. They fit nicely in a pocket or a backpack for a day trip or hiking. Will buy again! :)

svraphael88 Omg r those the real paintings or replicas???? 2 likesReply
acastillon @svraphael88 they're the real deal! Such an amazing collection at the Art Institute of Chicago. Highly recommended if your travels ever take you to Illinois. Spent all day there and didn't even see it all! 😲5 likesReply
kyu My new favorite review! Darn, I should’ve had a photo shoot for my almonds when I was at the MOMA a few weekends ago! 4 likesReply
acastillon @kyu oh fun! What all did you see at MOMA? I loved that museum when I lived in the Bay Area. Have you done Legion of Honor or the de Young? Those were so great too :) I liked the Stanford museum too. Fun to see the Rodin sculptures outside it as well.

Technically these pics are some low-tech tricky. I didn't want to skirt around the "no food" rules yesterday, so these were yesterday's photos Chromecast onto the TV today lol 😆2 likesReply
kyu I’ve been to the Legion and de Young, but not recently! Maybe time for another visit. There was a 1960’s exhibit that I enjoyed, as well as a showroom of really impractical but incredibly cool chairs. I may have to borrow your tech tricks so I can show off my favorites :-) 1 likeReply
acastillon @kyu cool! That chairs exhibit sounds interesting. 💺 🪑 Hope you can make it back up to those places again soon!Reply
beckyyy Please please please let me get what I want this time 😭😭😭 I can’t unsee Cameron’s expression when he stares at that painting. I have to try those bars! 2 likesReply
acastillon @beckyyy yes! That scene! I actually used to fast forward that scene as a kid, since there were no jokes and I didn't really get it. But now as an adult, that scene just slays me. 😭 And even though I am a huge Smiths fan, I think the Dream Academy version of that song works much better in that scene.

I didn't want to clutter up the review, but I totally took like 5 pictures of the girl in "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte" each one more zoomed in than the next, as a homage to that movie. Toyed with the idea of buying a Gordy Howe jersey to wear, but hockey jerseys are expensive - so that would have been an expensive joke.

Oh and how was Coachella? Or is it this coming weekend that you are going?
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acastillon @beckyyy oh and speaking of music from that movie, without fail every time I drive into Chicago I always play Beat City by the Flowerpot Men 😂 likesReply
beckyyy I imagined you knew the scene well too. That’s so rad that you took the zoomed in photos! Hahahahaha yes buying a hockey jersey for the bit would have been an expensive move.

My boyfriend had some last minute stage work and there was a lot going on so we were in and out this weekend. Got to see some friends though so that was good. Only full sets I saw were Horsegirl and Snailmail. Hopefully we will be able to catch everything else on the list next weekend. 1 likeReply
beckyyy Hahahaha! Perfect! I’d love to have a fun day in Chicago some time. Though I grew up in Green Bay my parents weren’t into traveling so we never went there. I’ve spent a lot of time (stuck at) O’Hare and drove out of there once but that’s about it. Would love to have a Ferris Bueller adventure some day, perhaps without the fancy car or personifying sausage royalty 😊1 likeReply
acastillon @beckyyy cool, glad you got to see Horsegirl! I recall you were looking forward to them. They were good I hope? Great that you got to see your friends! Hope your boyfriend's stage work went smoothly and wasn't too stressful. Excited to see about the sets you see this weekend!1 likeReply
acastillon @beckyyy ah yes . . . Green Bay, so close yet so far from Chicago. Hopefully you get your Ferris Bueller adventure sometime :) Could throw in some Pitchfork Music Festival or Lollapalooza days in for good measure! I still have to check the Sears Tower observation deck off my list, in order to complete the Ferris Bueller adventure day trip. Being scared of heights though, that one may take a while for me 😂1 likeReply
beckyyy It was good! A little draggy but kind of the nature of that sound. I would have swapped out a song or two but it was a good set. Unfortunately I’ve been in bed w a head cold yesterday and today but I’m hoping it tomorrow! 1 likeReply
acastillon @beckyyy oh no, sorry to hear about your cold! 😷 Hope it is mild and that you get better quickly. Were you able to stream shows this week, or did they only do that the first weekend? Hoping that you get back good as new soon!1 likeReply
beckyyy Thank you! I was able to make it yesterday so I finally saw Bjork! Wasn’t really familiar w her set list but it was hauntingly beautiful and she looked amazing. Also saw Romy, a few bits and pieces of others and Blink 182. I’m not a big Blink fan now but I loved them when I was young so it was a cool moment. Hope you guys had a great weekend! 1 likeReply
acastillon @beckyyy so glad you recover enough to go on Sunday! 🌴 ☀️ I wasn't familiar with Romy so I looked up a few songs from her set and they were great. So glad you go to see Björk! I just checked out a few songs from the set and it looked like she had some choreographed drone flying around during Hyperballad, that's rad! So creative.

Yeah considering how two of those guys in Blink have had such close calls in recent years, I was super glad to see them all healthy and playing shows again :) I've always had a soft spot for them since they were one of my first shows (back in like 1996 at Old World Village in Huntington Beach 🙂 ).

Glad you had fun in the desert!1 likeReply
tamiapple Awesome! Did you make it to the Dali show? 2 likesReply
acastillon @tamiapple so bummed, I mismanaged my time and the lines were too long to get into Dalí and still make the train back to Milwaukee. You were thinking of going yeah? If you go, I would love to hear your review!1 likeReply
acastillon @tamiapple oh and tips from someone who did it wrong.... 1) The Dalí add on is free, but it is a separate ticket than the usual admission. It did sell out when we went, but we snagged a ticket when we bought ours online. I don't think many people who waited for tickets in person actually got them.1 likeReply
acastillon @tamiapple there are scannable barcodes on a few signs for a "virtual line" for the Dalí exhibit. Then they'll text you when your turn comes up. I completely missed those signs until it was too late . . . so that might be a way to cut down on the wait time.1 likeReply
tamiapple So bummed you didn’t get to see it - I think the show is here through mid-June tho.🤞& yes, we were discussing possible dates over dinner last week, we’re thinking mid-May. 1 likeReply
tamiapple Thanks so much, I was assuming the show was an additional fee, this is great news! 👍 And thanks so much for the tip on virtually checking-in for Dali! I’ll mention this to my friends, as I’m thinking perhaps we should go to the museum early, instead of post-lunch, like I’d been thinking. 1 likeReply
acastillon @tamiapple ooh mid-May would be a delightful time to go. I'll have to live vicariously through your review, assuming I won't make it back before it closes. Excited that you'll get to go :)1 likeReply
acastillon @tamiapple yeah so cool that they don't require an extra fee for Dalí. They could totally get away with that. What a great place :)1 likeReply
rosieb33 "Sir. You're spilling PBC peanut butter crumbs all over The Old Guitarist. Please be more careful, or we're going to have to ask you to leave."4 likesReply
acastillon @rosieb33 lol! 😂

"I can explain, security officer! See there's this app called abillion, where you can get up to $1.00 for reviewing vegan products. And, well, I've been in a real slump lately here see. Like no more than $0.50 cents per review. Heck, I even got a forty-center the other day. So in a desperate attempt to get the full dollar, my idea is to take food photos with some of the world's most recognizable pieces of artwork in the background. So could I offer you a PBC bar to look the other way for a moment? Kthxbye!"4 likesReply
tamiapple 😂1 likeReply
anistavrou I love all of these paintings!! It must've been incredible to see them in person! #reviewwithaview
I really to try this PBC bar now too!! 3 likesReply
acastillon @anistavrou yes such a privilege to get to see these pieces in person. Amazing that they let you get so close to them. The museum in Portland looks pretty great too, have you ever been? Looks like they have a unique collection on Native and Northwestern art.1 likeReply
veganadam #reviewwithart 👌😂3 likesReply
acastillon @veganadam yeah! I just looked up art museums in Melbourne and the National Gallery of Victoria looks amazing. Have you ever been?1 likeReply
veganadam Not for a long time... 🤔2 likesReply
veganadam But.. I visited the Ballarat Art Gallery today. Some nice paintings 👌1 likeReply
beckyyy I’m love to go to Pitchfork sometime. I generally always like their lineups. Never been to Lolla either! Have you been to those? I bet they are both so much fun! I’m really scared of heights too. I’m generally okay if I’m in a completely enclosed situation but I can’t do roller coasters or anything of that nature. 1 likeReply
acastillon @beckyyy yeah both Pitchfork and Lollapalooza always seem to come up with pretty solid lineups eh? Sadly I never made it to either of those before the hearing issues put a stop to shows. Hope you get to make it to either or both of these sometime!

I did however make it to Riot Fest in Chicago and give that festival two huge thumbs up. A very well run show with super cool lineups as well :)Reply

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